We’re living in an era of modern capitalism; this means that business is shaping society. Business influences religion, culture, government, science and everything else. There is no facet of society that hasn’t been impacted by business. This is a cause for concern because business owners and sales agents have deliberately crafted systems to trap your lower-self.
Humans have only two different natures, the lower self and the higher self. The lower-self controls how we selfishly compete with each other to survive in a competitive, dog-eat-dog, big fish eat little fish world.
The higher-self controls how we live together in perfect harmony; being guided by non-competitiveness. Obviously, these two forces are always in conflict with each other.
Why are business owners intentionally trapping you into low-consciousness chimpanzee like patterns? Because it’s good for business. Businesses need you to stay competitive; constantly wanting to be better than the person next to you.
The brain has a sector called the “chimp sector”. The chimp sector is the irrational, illogical part of your brain. It’s the sector that rules chimpanzee behavior. What modern marketing is about, is creating traps and systems that exploit the chimp sector of your brain.
Our chimp nature
The need for power and status: If you study chimp behavior, you’ll learn that chimpanzees are all about power and status; who’s at the top, who’s at the bottom, who has more prestige than the others, who’s plotting to overtake whom. This pure chimp behavior is all part of the chimp sector of our brain and a lot of marketing systems are designed to appeal directly to our chimp nature.
Fun and play: We all like to be entertained. Hollywood, Bollywood, Nollywood, Ugawood and all the other woods are all designed to cater for this one chimp part of who we are.
Validation: We like our ego massaged. We like approval. We want people to like us, to need us and to shower us with praise. This neediness is also being exploited by businesses in the way ads are designed.
Gossip: Chimps love to gossip. They love to talk about who’s going to overtake who. They like to scheme and plot. They like to talk about who’s sleeping with whom. , who’s more popular than the other..etc
This chimp sector of our brain mostly functions unconsciously. The reason why businesses have been successful in exploiting our chimp nature is because most of us have not yet mastered the art of controlling our unconscious patterns. Some of us are not even aware of our chimp-nature. So when an ad is targeted towards our chimp sector, most of us are going to pull-out our wallets and start spending.
What all the marketing companies have learnt is that you can’t buy anything, unless the ad hits one of the parts in your chimp sector or lower-self.
How businesses exploit our chimp nature.
Junk food: Junk food is passed off as trendy. This food is popular because it is inexpensive, convenient, and tastes good. The foods are designed to convince your brain that it is getting nutrition, but to not fill you up.
Beauty products: Women all over the world have bought into the lie that they are not pretty enough. So products like fake bums, fake eye-lashes, skin whitening creams…etc are some of the bestselling products on the market.
Education institutions: Another lie we’ve been sold over the years is that you need to enroll in an education institution to attain a good education. University degrees aren’t worthless but they are not necessary to achieve success.
Following celebrities: Today almost every TV station in Uganda has a celebrity gossip show. Our social media feed is also littered with celebrity news. Following celebrities has become part of our daily routine.
Books: Sadly most of the book lovers aren’t very wise in their choices of books. Books about personal development are not as popular as books about romance and fiction. The writers know this, so they feed us just that.
News agencies: The media survives on people’s fear. Today the public is being feed all this negative information about the death tolls of the Covid19 pandemic. The media is conveniently failing to mention that chances of dying from this virus are less than 5%. The owners of these media outlets understand that fear and uncertainty is what sells the most.
Porn: This is one of the most lucrative businesses in the world. Pornography gives men the opportunity to enjoy hundreds of beautiful women they could never dream of getting in their real lives.
There are of-course so many other ways through which businesses keep trapping us; sports, fashion, movies, alcohol, etc.
All these things are designed to keep you comfortable with the patterns of lower-consciousness. They are designed to make your life “easy”, “fun” and “exciting”. The problem with being stuck in these patterns is that they are keeping you blind to your higher-self. It’s very important for you to awaken the higher-self.
All these things are intended to distract you from looking inward and finding your higher-self. They keep you focusing on what’s out there. You’re being distracted from understanding how short your life is.
Your goal in life is finding your authentic self. Businesses and the media don’t care about helping you find your authentic self. They don’t care about helping you finding your life purpose.
The reason that you feel unsatisfied with all the progress and achievement in your life is because you haven’t found yourself. No amount of stuff you accumulate will fill that void.
It’s fully within your power to avoid many of these traps. If you can start to exercise self-discipline, your life will then simply be about finding who you really are what it is you really want in this life.
You should note however that if you are successful in avoiding these traps and manage to discover your life purpose, society is going to label you weird. Society will have trouble understanding why you won’t act like everyone else.
You have to be okay with not being normal. Higher consciousness is not the path of least resistance. I hope you’ll make the commitment to live the kind of life that no one else in your family or circle of friends has lived. The kind of life that you’re scared to live. I dare you to be different.
#sayhome #staysafe
Thank you Timothy, nice article there